IAF project: Detailed description


"To value the work of fishermen and conserve marine ecosystems."

The Bocatoreños Artisanal Fishermen Union (UPESABO) will improve the quality of life of its members through training and other activities to reduce the lionfish population, mitigate its impact and increase total fish sales in Bocas del Toro.
In addition, it will strengthen the capacities of a group of associated women and create a market for the consumption of lionfish.
It will also carry out an environmental education campaign and participate in a network with other organizations, in order to identify solutions for the lionfish problem in Bocas del Toro. The project will benefit about 75 people directly and 1,600 more indirectly.

"To provide better quality products and fair prices."

UPESABO will hire a project coordinator and assistant to implement project actions, and an accountant to assist in the administration of the grant funds.
She will hire a consultant to facilitate a strategic planning process of around two days and help UPESABO update its strategic plan with its members.
You will also hire a Geographical Information Systems (GIS) specialist, an environmental education consultant, a communication expert, a publicist, and a marketing consultant.
Para tener una guía para referencia futura y compartirla con interesados, UPESABO generará una sistematización de los procesos de producción y sus resultados.

"To make resources sustainable and make informal work visible."

The Donor will acquire a boat and an outboard motor to carry out project activities.
The boat and all its equipment, except where otherwise specified, will remain the property of UPESABO at the end of the Donation Period.