Workshops and meetings

Establishment of the Interinstitutional Commission

September 29, 2020

At the initial meeting he urged the competent authorities of the local and national governments, that in respect to their respective competences support and promote the necessary actions to prevent, control, mitigate and reverse overcrowding and invasion of species Pterois volitans and Pterois miles, commonly known as "Lion Fish", on the shores of Boca del Norte.

Preliminarily, the Commission is made up of: Regional Director of ARAP, Regional Director of ATP, Ministry of the Environment/Bastimentos Marine Park Director, Mayor's Office of Almirante, Mayor's Office of Bocas del Toro and the incorporation of MEDUCA is also expected.

Business Administration Workshop - Lic. Edith López

February 15, 2020

The processes were approached with highly participatory methodologies based on an inter-learning and knowledge exchange approach, prioritizing practical activities.

Evaluation by activity developed is also carried out as a permanent practice, which is expected to contribute to carrying out corrective actions or better management.

Workshop on Self-esteem and Empowerment of Women - Lic. Ricardo Serrut

February 8, 2020

The objective of the workshop was that, as a result, each woman has new resources to face her experience and to seek new sources of knowledge and understanding of herself to improve her living conditions. As well as strengthening the basic knowledge of self-esteem, gender and empowerment of women and the importance of their rights as human beings, but above all as women.

The topics incorporated into the workshop agenda were: "Gender equity and its legal framework", "Gender barriers in women's self-esteem", "Self-esteem and causes of low self-esteem", "Empowerment and clarification of concepts".

Meeting with the Community Support Committee

January 29, 2020

A first meeting was convened with the fishermen leaders of various communities. On this occasion, there was a broad presentation of the project, the role expected of the Community Support Committee and the Inter-institutional Commission for the execution of the project.

This Committee was integrated: Almirante, Loma Partida, Punta Laurel, Cayo de Agua, Isla Tigre, Popa #1 and Popa #2.

Subsequent to this activity, work was carried out on the planning of the first environmental awareness and education actions in four communities, where the Committee and especially the representative of each community will serve as a liaison for coordination with the schools and other community organizations.